
Course Enrolment

Welcome to the enrolment for SG00010006 - Statement of Attainment in Early Childhood Education and Care with OLI Connect.

Please step through this registration process to complete your enrolment. If you experience any issues, please contact the Support Team on connect@olinga.edu.au

Are you new to OLI Connect or have an existing account?
Personal Details
Contact Details
Student Declarations
I declare that the information contained in this Enrolment Agreement Form is true and correct.
I confirm that I have read, understood and consent to the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment and the Fee Payment and Refund Procedures.
I acknowledge and agree with the terms and conditions of enrolment with specific reference to the RTO’s enrolment and selection.
I consent to Olinga Learning Institute providing my information to Australian Commonwealth and State Governments for the purpose of reporting to the Government as part of my enrolment.
I give permission for the RTO to access my Unique Student Identifier for the purpose of my training.
I understand that my rights and responsibilities as a student are outlined in the Student Handbook and that I should refer to this handbook for further information on USI, LLN Assessment, Complaints and Appeals, WHS, Support Services and other legislative and regulatory policies and procedures.